Friday 16 August 2024

Climate change and extreme weathers

 A Warming Planet, Extreme Weather The Earth's temperature is steadily rising, leading to significant disruptions in weather patterns. Scientific consensus points to human activities as the primary driver of this warming, resulting in more frequent and intense extreme weather events such as heatwaves, hurricanes, and floods.

The Far-Reaching Impacts Climate change has profound consequences for society, the environment, and the economy. Rising temperatures can increase energy consumption, spread diseases, and impact agricultural yields. More extreme weather events pose significant risks to life, property, and critical infrastructure.

A Complex and Interconnected Crisis The effects of climate change are multifaceted and interconnected. Droughts can lead to water shortages, reduced crop yields, and economic hardship. Floods can cause widespread damage, displace populations, and contribute to the spread of diseases. These impacts are often felt most severely by marginalized communities.

A Window of Opportunity While the challenges posed by climate change are immense, there is still an opportunity to mitigate its worst effects. By transitioning to clean energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we can limit global warming and create new economic opportunities. Additionally, investing in climate adaptation measures can help communities build resilience to extreme weather events.

Our Changing Planet

The evidence of climate change is undeniable:

  • Rising temperatures: Global average temperatures have increased significantly since the early 20th century.
  • Melting ice: Glaciers and ice sheets are shrinking, contributing to sea level rise.
  • Ocean changes: Sea levels are rising, ocean waters are warming and acidifying, impacting marine ecosystems.
  • Extreme weather: Heatwaves, heavy rainfall, droughts, and storms are becoming more frequent and intense.

Impacts on Water, Ecosystems, and Infrastructure Climate change is altering water availability, with increased flooding in some regions and severe droughts in others. Ecosystems are under stress, with many species struggling to adapt to rapid changes. Critical infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and power grids, is vulnerable to extreme weather events and rising sea levels.

The Human Toll Climate change poses significant risks to human health, including increased heat-related illnesses, the spread of diseases, and worsening air quality. It also exacerbates existing inequalities, as marginalized communities are often disproportionately affected. Mass displacement due to climate-related disasters is a growing concern.

Economic Consequences The economic costs of climate change are substantial, encompassing damages from extreme weather events, losses in agriculture and tourism, and the costs of adaptation and mitigation.

Agriculture Under Pressure Agriculture is a cornerstone of human civilization, yet it is highly vulnerable to climate change. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and more frequent extreme weather events are disrupting traditional farming practices and threatening food security worldwide.

  • Reduced crop yields: Increased heat stress, droughts, and floods can lead to lower crop productivity.
  • Shifting agricultural zones: Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns may force farmers to adapt to new crops or relocate.
  • Increased pests and diseases: Warmer temperatures create favorable conditions for pests and diseases, damaging crops.
  • Water scarcity: More frequent and severe droughts reduce water availability for irrigation, impacting crop growth.
  • Soil degradation: Climate change can accelerate soil erosion and nutrient loss, reducing soil fertility.
  • Economic losses: Farmers face financial hardships due to reduced yields, increased costs, and unpredictable weather patterns.

A Looming Crisis If global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, the world faces a catastrophic future with widespread food and water shortages, mass displacement, and economic collapse. Urgent action is needed to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change and build a sustainable future for all.


Sushree Shailani Suman


Thursday 25 July 2024

Nurturing Nature: Exploring the soul Connection between Humans and the Environment


The world in which we are living today is dominated by the technological advancement and which is silently hampering the delicate balance between human and its environment. Our planet harbours a very complex yet wondrous interconnected system of ecosystem, each playing its parts in supporting life and diversities of nature. But slowly and gradually we are missing out these intricate connections that tie us to the natural world. It is essential to rekindle our connection with environment and to explore the profound bond between humans and the natural world. Our planet is now facing the major challenge of climate change and it is going to affect the survival of human race if not checked in time. Our health and life is closely linked with planet’s health. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, or the homes we live in, everything we do is connected to the environment.

So we need to step back and find out the ways to preserve this unique biodiversity of our planet. The world has enough resource to fulfil our need but not our greed. We have to mend our ways to heal our planet. There are things we can do, like using energy from the sun or wind, and being careful with how we grow food, that can help slow down climate change. Living sustainably means finding ways to take care of the Earth while also taking care of ourselves. We'll talk about easy things we can do, like not making too much garbage and using less energy. Each small thing we do can help make the Earth healthier. Sometimes, we need to fix things that we've destroyed by our action. We have to plant more trees, clean the plastic garbage, reduce the use of plastic, clean the river, pond, other water source, regenerate water bodies, save energy, use sustainable energy and learn to minimalise our need so that our future generation will live well. But alone we cannot achieve this big dream, we have to work together to make this changes happen. When we stand up for nature, we can make sure that our leaders make good choices to help the Earth. We're connected to the Earth in a special way, and it's our job to take care of it. We can learn, act, and speak up to protect the natural world for the future. Let's work together to keep our planet healthy for everyone and everything that calls it home.

Ms. Puja Panda,

Campaign Coordinator, PECUC

Thursday 28 December 2023

Eco-Industry: Pioneering Sustainable Practices for Tomorrow's World

 In a world where the environment needs a helping hand, industries are stepping up to the plate, and making big changes to become more eco-friendly. This transformation is not just a trend but a commitment to creating a better, greener future. Let's explore how these changes are happening and why they matter.

Green Manufacturing and Cleaner Technologies

Industries are reimagining the way they make things by adopting green manufacturing practices. This means they're using cleaner technologies and brainstorming new ideas to ensure that their production processes don't harm the environment. It's like giving Mother Earth a breather while still keeping the wheels of industry turning.

Smart Energy Moves

Ever wondered where the energy to power industries comes from? Well, now industries are finding smarter ways to use energy. They're turning to renewable sources like the sun and wind, and using technology that doesn't pump out harmful pollutants. This not only helps fight climate change but also makes good economic sense by using energy more wisely.

Reducing, Reusing, Recycling

Imagine if instead of throwing things away after using them once, we found ways to use them again. Industries are doing just that. They're reducing waste and recycling materials throughout a product's entire life. This isn't just about being eco-friendly.It's about finding better ways of doing things that benefit both the environment and the industries themselves.

Companies with a Heart

It turns out that industries aren't just interested in making money, they care about the environment and society too. They're making sure the materials they use are sourced responsibly, and they're being careful about how they make and distribute their products. This doesn't just impact their bottom line.It also has a positive effect on the communities where they operate.

Technological Wizards

Technology is playing a superhero role in making industries more efficient. Smart manufacturing and the Internet of Things (IoT) are the tech wizards at play. They're helping industries streamline processes, reduce waste, and, most importantly, be kinder to the environment. It's like industries are getting a digital makeover for a greener world.

Water Warriors and Waste Busters

Water and waste management are becoming big priorities for industries. They're using better methods to use water wisely and treating industrial wastewater to protect our water resources. Industries are also taking responsibility for their impact on local communities by creating jobs, supporting community programs, and making sure their operations benefit society as a whole.

Government and Global Green Rules

Governments and international organizations are like referees making sure everyone plays fair in the green game. They're setting rules to encourage companies to be more environmentally friendly. Industries are paying attention to where they get their materials and how they distribute their products to make sure they are part of a sustainable supply chain.

Shaping Tomorrow and Today

In wrapping up this journey into the world of eco-friendly industries, it's clear that the shift towards sustainability is not just a buzzword but a meaningful change. Industries are transforming into eco-warriors, paving the way for a greener, more balanced future. By embracing green manufacturing, smart energy solutions, and social responsibility, they're not just changing their practices.They're becoming pioneers of a sustainable tomorrow. As we all hop on this eco-friendly train, let's celebrate the positive impact these changes are having on our planet and communities. Together, we're shaping a brighter, greener, and more sustainable tomorrow.



1st-year MCOM,

Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka


Friday 15 September 2023

Gender Equity - Paving the Path to Gender Equality


Gender equity serves as the strategic pathway towards the attainment of gender equality, an issue that stands out as one of the most prominent and pressing challenges of the 21st century. It's worth pondering why gender has become such a focal point in contemporary discourse and when this transformation began. Our current era is marked by a societal shift, transitioning away from the patriarchal foundations that once dominated to an emerging egalitarian society where every individual plays a vital role. This shift is inherent to the broader transformation from an agrarian society to a technologically advanced one, a process that unfolds gradually over time.

The evolution of this gender-related issue parallels the broader societal transformation. It reflects the understanding that a society where half of its population is denied opportunities cannot truly thrive. As education becomes more widespread, people come to recognise the paramount importance of gender equality.

However, the pursuit of gender equality is an extensive and intricate endeavour. It necessitates the implementation of a strategy known as gender equity. This approach acknowledges and confronts existing disparities, biases, and disadvantages faced by individuals of different genders, all with the ultimate objective of leveling the playing field and ensuring equal rights and opportunities for everyone, regardless of their gender.

Gender equity tackles flaws in our societal framework by recognising existing inequalities and providing tailored support to facilitate the necessary changes. It champions fairness in the treatment of individuals, irrespective of their gender, and actively dismantles barriers that hinder individuals from realising their full potential due to gender-based discrimination. This often involves revising policies, altering practices, and challenging attitudes that perpetuate gender disparities.

Moreover, gender equity strives to create an inclusive environment where every individual feels valued and empowered. It takes into account the concept of intersectionality, recognising that individuals may experience various forms of discrimination or privilege based on factors such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and socioeconomic status. This approach ensures that equity efforts are comprehensive and inclusive, addressing multiple layers of societal bias.

In conclusion, gender equity operates as a strategic component within the broader framework of gender equality. By implementing gender equity measures, societies make significant strides towards achieving gender equality, thereby ensuring that everyone enjoys equal opportunities and rights, irrespective of their gender.

Dr. Sumitra Mohanty,

Coordinator, Research, Documentation & Communication Dept.,  PECUC

Wednesday 2 August 2023

Planting trees can be a solution for reducing global warming


The threat of global warming is well known to all. The destruction it is bringing to the earth’s biodiversity is immense and incalculable. Some of its effects can be seen in the rising heat wave, changing weather patterns, flash floods, an increase in the frequency of cyclones, the loss of marine and coastal ecosystems, etc. All these things pose serious threats to humans as well as other life forms on Earth. Global warming is primarily caused by human activities such as deforestation, the burning of fossil fuels, and industrial processes. These activities release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, tapping heat and leading to an increase in global temperature.

Planting trees can be helpful in reducing global warming and mitigating the effects of climate change. Trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and storing it as biomass. Trees act as a natural carbon sink, and as they grow, they clear the air of carbon dioxide (CO2), thereby reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and slowing down global warming. Trees also provide shade and transpire water through their leaves, which cools the surrounding air. Planting trees can also help preserve and enhance biodiversity. It also contributes to soil health by promoting nutrient cycling and preventing erosion. Trees also help regulate the water cycle by intercepting rain, reducing runoff, and promoting groundwater recharge. This helps mitigate the impact of floods and droughts, which can be intensified by climate change.

Though planting trees is beneficial, it is also not a standalone solution to global warming. To successfully address the effects of climate change, planting trees can be a part of a comprehensive strategy that focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, forest conservation, sustainable land use, renewable energy transition, etc. Planting trees should be a part of this broader integrated approach to creating lasting impacts on mitigating climate change and preserving the planet for future generations.


Dr. Sumitra Mohanty, MA, PhD

Coordinator, Research, Documentation, and Communication Dept

People’s Cultural Centre (PECUC)

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Yoga's Transformative Power


Finding a sense of peace and balance becomes crucial in a world that moves quickly and continuously demands our attention. Here comes yoga, a discipline that integrates the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga offers a route to both physical and mental wellness through a series of positions, breathing exercises, and meditation. It improves posture, flexibility, and strength while calming the mind and body. Yoga cultivates attention, self-awareness, and inner tranquilly in addition to its physical advantages. It promotes peace and a deep sense of tranquilly by inspiring us to connect with both our inner selves and the environment around us. Take use of yoga's transformational potential to live a beautiful, centred life.


Aryan Rout,

BBA 2nd year, Sec- B,

Centurion University of Technology & Management,

Bhubaneswar, Odissa

Thursday 1 June 2023

Preventing tobacco use among young people a critical public health goal


Tobacco use has been a significant public health issue for decades, and it has a profound impact on youth and children. Despite the well-known health risks associated with tobacco use, many young people continue to smoke or use other tobacco products. The use of tobacco products has a profound impact on the health and well-being of young people. Tobacco use is a significant public health concern in India, contributing to a high burden of diseases and premature deaths. According to data from the Global Burden of Disease study, in 2019, tobacco use accounted for an estimated 1.3 million deaths in India.

Here are some of the specific ways that tobacco use can impact youth and children:

·         Nicotine, the primary addictive substance in tobacco, is highly addictive, and young people are particularly vulnerable to its effects. In fact, research has shown that 90% of adult smokers started smoking before the age of 18. Once addicted, it can be very difficult to quit.

·          The brain continues to develop well into young adulthood, and tobacco use during this time can have a negative impact on cognitive function, memory, and attention span.

·          Tobacco use is associated with a range of chronic diseases, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory illnesses like emphysema and bronchitis.

·          Children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk of developing respiratory illnesses, ear infections, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

On 31 May 2023, WHO and public health champions around the world will come together to celebrate World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). This year’s theme is “We need food, not tobacco”. The 2023 global campaign aims to raise awareness about alternative crop production and marketing opportunities for tobacco farmers and encourage them to grow sustainable, nutritious crops. The growing food crisis is driven by conflicts and wars, climatic shocks, and the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Structural causes like the choice of crop also have an impact, and a look into tobacco growing reveals how it contributes to increased food insecurity:

  • Across the globe around 3.5 million hectares of land are converted for tobacco growing each year. Growing tobacco also contributes to deforestation of 200 000 hectares a year.
  • Tobacco growing is resource intensive and requires heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers, which contribute to soil degradation.
  • Land used for growing tobacco then has a lower capacity for growing other crops, such as food, since tobacco depletes soil fertility.
  • Compared with other agricultural activities such as maize growing and even livestock grazing, tobacco farming has a far more destructive impact on ecosystems as tobacco farmlands are more prone to desertification.

Any profits to be gained from tobacco as a cash crop may not offset the damage done to sustainable food production in low- and middle-income countries. The intensive handling of insecticides and toxic chemicals during the cultivation of tobacco contributes to many farmers and their families suffering from ill health and the child labour that is often woven into tobacco cultivation interferes with the right to education .Nine of the 10 largest tobacco cultivators are low- and middle-income countries, and 4 of these are defined as low-income food-deficit countries. Land used to grow tobacco could be more efficiently used to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2 – zero hunger.The 2023 WNTD campaign calls on governments and policy-makers to step up legislation, develop suitable policies and strategies, and enable market conditions for tobacco farmers to shift to growing food crops that would provide them and their families with a better life.

Preventing tobacco use among young people is a critical public health goal. Here are some strategies that can help prevent tobacco use and intervene when it does occur:

·         Educating young people about the dangers of tobacco use and the negative impact it can have on their health can be an effective way to prevent them from starting.

·         Creating smoke-free environments, such as schools, parks, and public spaces, can help reduce exposure to secondhand smoke.

·         Complete ban of designated places for smoking in public places.

·         Restricting access to tobacco products by raising the minimum age to purchase or use tobacco upto 21Years , as well as increasing taxes on tobacco products, can help reduce use among young people.

  • Banning the sale of single sticks of cigarettes so that they will be more expensive for children and youth will reduce their use.
  • Regulation of tobacco depletion in OTT Platform

Tobacco use is a significant public health issue that has a profound impact on the health and well-being of young people. Preventing tobacco use among young people should be a priority for public health officials, educators, parents, and the community at large. By raising awareness, creating smoke-free environments, restricting access, and providing cessation resources, we can help reduce tobacco use among youth and prevent the negative health consequences associated with it.

Anuradha Mohanty

Executive Director, PECUC