Thursday 30 March 2023

Digital Revolution and Environment…….


Our lives have become more comfortable with the advent of modern technology. The process of industrialization began opened new opportunities to earn a living and improve life. But the quest for development, progress, and a better life did not end there, but continued and opened another new chapter, the age of technology.

It was a period of rapid scientific discovery, standardization, mass production, and industrialization from the late 19th to the early 20th century. Beginning with the colour camera TV and continuing with magnetic tape and transatlantic cable in the 1950s, this led to rapid improvements in mass communication. It was the second phase of industrialization. But progress continued and eventually, we reached an age we call the digital age. It opened numerous possibilities and opportunities for a better and more improved lifestyle. Information and communication became the most important tools of this digital revolution. It benefits are many i.e. easy sharing of information through internet, email, social media provide people ample opportunities to work together on different issues, helping to connect people in a meaningful way without costly expenses, going paperless- storing large amount of data electronically etc.

But all these come with a price. Developing technology to do all positive things causes many environmental problems. Smart phone, computers have metal components to make them work such as iron, aluminum and gold. And metal need mining, which causes water pollution, air pollution, carbon emission, noise pollution, dangers to human health and destroys ecosystems and also contributes for climate change.  But the story does not end here; when newer technologies come, people discard their old electronic devices to purchase new one. Currently the world throws away 6.5 billion dollars worth of electronic every year and only 20% is recycled. These e-waste can have toxic components should not be dumped into landfill. Good news is e-waste can be recycled and precious metals can be reclaimed, which helps reduce the amount that needs to be mined in the future. The plastic can also be recycled and reused.

Collecting, storing and processing of data also consume lots of energy and creates a lot of heat. Digital activity has become a multifaceted entity, streaming of movie and music, online gaming, crypto currency trading, digital banking, sending tweet or surfing the internet etc.Though these mediums are beneficial but it often comes with a price. They are sending data and companies need to use power to process that data and which resulted in emissions. Streaming video uses an extraordinary amount of energy, “the average CO2 consumption of streamed online video is more than 300 million ton per year, the equivalent of Spain’s annual emissions according to a 2019 study by the shift Project. Moreover, the energy consumption level by digital technology has increased by almost 70%, between 2013 to 2020. 

But this digital technology can also be used to find solution for sustainable consumption and production pattern and also can be helpful in managing environment. This digital revolution can also be used to combat climate change, advance global sustainability, environment protection and human well-being. Data and information is essential to build awareness of the state of our planet, to influence consumer behaviour .

Dr. Sumitra Mohanty,

Coordinator, Research, Documentation and Communication, PECUC


Tuesday 28 March 2023

The Magic of Live Theatre: Exploring the Power and Importance of the Performing Arts ……


Theatre is a form of art that has been an important part of human culture for thousands of years. It involves live performances by actors who portray characters in a story, often accompanied by music, dance, and other theatrical elements.

Live theatre has the power to transport audiences to different worlds, evoke emotions, and inspire change. It is a unique art form that combines a range of creative elements, including acting, music, dance, set design, and lighting, to create a truly immersive experience. Despite the rise of digital media, live theatre remains a vibrant and essential part of our cultural landscape, providing opportunities for artists to showcase their talents and for audiences to engage with diverse perspectives and stories.The importance of live theatre goes beyond mere entertainment. It can serve as a powerful tool for education and social change. Theatre productions can tackle important social issues, such as racism, gender inequality, and mental health, providing a platform for dialogue and understanding. By portraying diverse characters and experiences, theatre can challenge our assumptions and broaden our perspectives. Moreover, live theatre has the ability to build empathy and forge connections between people. It brings individuals together in a shared experience, creating a sense of community and fostering a deeper appreciation for our shared humanity. In a world where technology often isolates us, theatre reminds us of our need for human connection and the value of face-to-face interactions.Live theatre also plays a significant role in the economy, generating jobs and revenue for local communities. It provides employment opportunities for actors, directors, designers, and technicians, as well as those who work in related industries such as hospitality and tourism.

Additionally, it attracts audiences from all over the world, providing a boost to local businesses and economies.Theatre plays an important role in the lives of people in many ways. Here are some of the ways in which theatre can be significant: Theatre can be a transformative experience, challenging performers and audiences to think differently and to explore new ideas and emotions. It can help individuals develop their creativity, communication skills, and emotional intelligence. Economic impact: theatre can have a significant economic impact on communities, generating revenue through ticket sales, employment opportunities, and tourism.Overall, theatre is an important form of art and culture that can enrich the lives of people in many ways. It can provide entertainment, education, community building, personal growth, and economic benefits, making it a valuable and essential part of our society.

Theatre is a form of entertainment that allows audiences to escape from their daily lives and experience the world from different perspectives. It can provide laughter, tears, and moments of reflection, and can be a source of joy and inspiration.Theatre can be a powerful educational tool, teaching audiences about historical events, social issues, and cultural traditions. It can also help to develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and an understanding of different perspectives. Theatre is a way for artists to express themselves and tell stories that reflect their culture, history, and values. It can also serve as a means of preserving and celebrating cultural traditions. Theatre brings people together and creates a sense of community by providing a shared experience that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. Theatre has been a source of innovation and experimentation throughout history, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and inspiring new ideas in other areas of art and culture.Its ability to entertain, educate, express culture, build communities, and inspire innovation makes it a valuable and essential part of our society.

The theatre in Odisha, also known as Orissa, has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. The state has a diverse range of theatrical forms that have evolved over the centuries, including traditional folk theatre, classical Odissi dance-drama, and modern theatre. The earliest evidence of theatre in Odisha can be traced back to the ancient temple rituals, where various forms of dance and drama were performed to please the deities. The Jatra, a popular form of folk theatre in Odisha, is a blend of music, dance, and drama that originated in the rural areas of the state. It is a travelling theatre form that typically tells stories of local heroes and heroines, with social and moral messages.

Another popular folk theatre form in Odisha is the Pala, which involves singing and storytelling. The stories are usually based on mythological themes and are accompanied by musical instruments. Modern theatre in Odisha began to take shape in the early 20th century with the establishment of the Utkal Sangeet Mahavidyalaya, a music and drama school. In recent years, theatre in Odisha has seen a revival with the emergence of new theatre groups and the incorporation of modern themes and techniques. The state government has also taken initiatives to promote theatre in the state by organizing theatre festivals and providing financial support to theatre groups.

In conclusion, the magic of live theatre lies in its ability to transport us to different worlds, evoke emotions, and inspire change. It is a vibrant and essential part of our cultural landscape, providing opportunities for artists to showcase their talents and for audiences to engage with diverse perspectives and stories. As we continue to navigate the challenges of the digital age, live theatre remains a powerful reminder of our need for human connection and the importance of the performing arts.


Anuradha Mohanty

Executive Director ,PECUC

Friday 17 March 2023

Water Conservation essential for ensuring a sustainable future for the next generation: Role of society, youth and children


Water conservation is the practice of using water wisely and reducing water waste to ensure the sustainable use of this vital resource. Water conservation is essential for ensuring the sustainable use of this vital resource. By adopting water-saving practices, using water wisely, and educating others, we can all play a role in conserving water and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Some of the key messages of World Water Day 2023 include the importance of recognizing the true value of water, the need for integrated and equitable management of water resources, the need to protect ecosystems that provide water, and the importance of promoting water education and awareness. World Water Day 2023 will provide an opportunity for governments, organizations, communities, and individuals to come together and raise awareness about the importance of water and take concrete actions to protect and manage these precious resources.

Society can play a crucial role in water conservation by adopting water-saving practices. These practices can include fixing leaking taps and pipes, installing water-efficient fixtures, and using water wisely in their homes and businesses. By reducing water consumption, society can ensure that there is enough water available for the next generation.

Young people can play an active role in promoting water conservation by raising awareness about the importance of water and its limited availability. They can organize campaigns, workshops, and events to educate their peers and their communities on the need for water conservation. They can also take concrete steps to reduce their water consumption, such as taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while brushing their teeth, and using reusable water bottles.

Children can be taught from a young age about the importance of water and how to conserve it. Parents and teachers can incorporate water conservation into their daily routines and teach children about the importance of turning off the tap while brushing their teeth, using a bucket to water plants instead of a hose, and taking shorter showers. These practices can instill a sense of responsibility and environmental awareness in children from an early age.

According to the NITI Aayog's Composite Water Management Index (CWMI) report of 2019, 600 million people in India are facing high to extreme water stress, and 75% of households do not have access to drinking water on premises. (Source: As per the CWMI report, 21 Indian cities, including Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad, will run out of groundwater by 2020, affecting 100 million people. (Source: .According to a report by WaterAid, a non-profit organization, around 163 million people in India lack access to clean water near their homes, which is the highest number in the world. (Source: The Central Water Commission (CWC) reported that 2019 was the seventh consecutive year of below-normal rainfall in India, leading to drought-like situations in several regions. (Source: 2021, several districts of Odisha, including Balasore, Bhadrak, Mayurbhanj, and Jajpur, were hit by a severe water crisis due to inadequate rainfall and depletion of groundwater levels. The state government had to deploy water tankers to supply drinking water to the affected areas. (Source: .According to a report by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), around 37.7 million Indians are affected by waterborne diseases every year, and 1.5 million children under the age of five die due to diarrhoea alone. (Source:

They are few steps that can be followed:

Installing water-efficient fixtures such as low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets can help to reduce water consumption without compromising performance.

Using water wisely means being mindful of how much water is used and making conscious efforts to reduce consumption. This can include taking shorter showers, turning off the tap while brushing teeth or washing dishes, and only running washing machines and dishwashers when they are full.

Landscaping is an area where significant amounts of water can be saved. Using drought-resistant plants, watering the garden in the early morning or late evening, and using drip irrigation systems can help to reduce water waste.

Harvesting rainwater can provide an alternative source of water for gardens, lawns, and other non-potable uses.

Educating others about the importance of water conservation and how to conserve water can help to spread awareness and encourage more people to take action.

By adopting water-saving practices, raising awareness about the importance of water conservation, and educating the next generation, society, youth, and children can play an essential role in conserving water and ensuring a sustainable future for all.

Anuradha Mohanty,

Executive Director, PECUC,


Thursday 9 March 2023

Importance of women in the development and prosperity of our society


Women, as described by our olden cultural texts and religious Granths, have always been one of the iron pillars of our society and a cornerstone of great importance. Aside from the roles they play as a mother, a wife, and a daughter, in this day and age, their value to our society is so much more than just the traditional roles that have been assigned to them. Like their male counterparts, women now are able to invest in their own growth and development without being stigmatized, able to invest in their hobbies, pursue any career of their dreams, to set their eyes to heights that were previously set, by society, only for the "Men". They're now active participants in societal growth, not just passive observers, who were shoved to do the behind-the-scenes work.

And this development of women has strongly been supported by many countries/governments around the world.   With higher literacy rates and equal pay for equal work, women are able to thrive economically and rise out of poverty. The 33% reservation of seats at the lower house of parliament and all legislative assemblies have given women the opportunity for political and social empowerment by directly involving them in the decision-making process. But it is equally important to protect women and girls from all types of violence and abuse at home as well as outside by creating a safe society through awareness building, challenging the stigma against reporting crimes, and motivating women to stand up for their cause. People need to learn about the importance of women in our country whilst dispelling all the myths and misunderstandings regarding girl-child and women alike.

Let us think of these steps as only the baby steps for something that bears fruits far more wonderful than any of us even realize now.


Abhinav Mohanty

Class XI

DAV Public School, Pokhariput, Bhubaneswar