Thursday 30 March 2023

Digital Revolution and Environment…….


Our lives have become more comfortable with the advent of modern technology. The process of industrialization began opened new opportunities to earn a living and improve life. But the quest for development, progress, and a better life did not end there, but continued and opened another new chapter, the age of technology.

It was a period of rapid scientific discovery, standardization, mass production, and industrialization from the late 19th to the early 20th century. Beginning with the colour camera TV and continuing with magnetic tape and transatlantic cable in the 1950s, this led to rapid improvements in mass communication. It was the second phase of industrialization. But progress continued and eventually, we reached an age we call the digital age. It opened numerous possibilities and opportunities for a better and more improved lifestyle. Information and communication became the most important tools of this digital revolution. It benefits are many i.e. easy sharing of information through internet, email, social media provide people ample opportunities to work together on different issues, helping to connect people in a meaningful way without costly expenses, going paperless- storing large amount of data electronically etc.

But all these come with a price. Developing technology to do all positive things causes many environmental problems. Smart phone, computers have metal components to make them work such as iron, aluminum and gold. And metal need mining, which causes water pollution, air pollution, carbon emission, noise pollution, dangers to human health and destroys ecosystems and also contributes for climate change.  But the story does not end here; when newer technologies come, people discard their old electronic devices to purchase new one. Currently the world throws away 6.5 billion dollars worth of electronic every year and only 20% is recycled. These e-waste can have toxic components should not be dumped into landfill. Good news is e-waste can be recycled and precious metals can be reclaimed, which helps reduce the amount that needs to be mined in the future. The plastic can also be recycled and reused.

Collecting, storing and processing of data also consume lots of energy and creates a lot of heat. Digital activity has become a multifaceted entity, streaming of movie and music, online gaming, crypto currency trading, digital banking, sending tweet or surfing the internet etc.Though these mediums are beneficial but it often comes with a price. They are sending data and companies need to use power to process that data and which resulted in emissions. Streaming video uses an extraordinary amount of energy, “the average CO2 consumption of streamed online video is more than 300 million ton per year, the equivalent of Spain’s annual emissions according to a 2019 study by the shift Project. Moreover, the energy consumption level by digital technology has increased by almost 70%, between 2013 to 2020. 

But this digital technology can also be used to find solution for sustainable consumption and production pattern and also can be helpful in managing environment. This digital revolution can also be used to combat climate change, advance global sustainability, environment protection and human well-being. Data and information is essential to build awareness of the state of our planet, to influence consumer behaviour .

Dr. Sumitra Mohanty,

Coordinator, Research, Documentation and Communication, PECUC


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